Sunday, 3 June 2018

Italy, new political uncertainty

This is a brief article about the positions we can take if one country has political problems or its economy is weakening versus other countries or economic areas.


The president denied a group that was elected because he thought that having a eurosceptic finance minister wouldn´t be right for Italy. This generated a big sell-off on the Italian bonds due to the political uncertainty. After two days Giuseppe Conte was presented as a prime minister. There are a lot of doubts about the future because the new government rejects austerity. In addition, one of the measures is reducing the tax to 15-20% for individuals and corporates. Probably this is good in order to expand the economy or promote new investments. On the other side, this will generate larger déficit. 

    FBTP Jun18,  daily, Source: TradingView

The volatility has increased in the last five days. The FBTP Jun18 was in free falling the last Monday and Tuesday. After that, it has recovered.


     FGBL vs FBTP Jun18, daily, Source: TradingView

The spread vs the Bund and the FBTP has increased dramatically. In the best scenario, a trader would have bought the FGBL Jun18 and would have sold the FBTP Jun18 at the beginning of the week or even when it broke the 26 level. The reason behind this is covering and hedging in some way because the bund is more stable So basically, we are reducing volatility. The Italian Bonds yield’s jumped due to the political uncertainty and the possibility of breaking the relationships with Europe.

Sum up

We have seen how volatile the markets can be in these situations. One of the best ideas is spreading versus a safer bond as I showed above. In my opinion, Italy won’t leave Europe. I will talk about Spain in the following post. Thanks.

Have a good trading!!!

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