Monday, 23 April 2018

Fed Funds vs Eurodollars futures

The interest rate markets offer a lot of possibilities and strategies. You can trade the outright, the intra-product spread (calendar spread or calendar spreads combinations) and you can create your own spread with different futures (inter-product spread) Sometimes I analyze the outrights and certain spreads but today I’m going to introduce a strategy used by some of the biggest market participants. 

CME Interest Rate Products, source CME
      CME Interest Rate Products, source CME

The spread

I’m not going to focus on the back of the curve. The products to make this strategy are Eurodollar futures and Fed Fund futures. Before I explain the strategy lets define these products:
  • Eurodollar futures are based on a 3 month LIBOR.
  • Fed Funds futures are based on the average daily effective Fed Funds rate and calculated the last business day

Considering the different  value per basis point we need to calculate the spread ratio:

Spread ratio, own elaboration                                                  

In order to get the ratio, we should divide the Eurodollar value per basis point by the Fed Fund value per basis point. In our case, we will trade 10 Eurodollar contracts and 6 Fed Funds contracts. Considering the forward-looking aspect of Eurodollar futures, the Sep contract will cover from September to December. We need to choose 2 different Fed Fund contracts between these maturities, in the example October and November.

Spread calculation in basis points, own elaboration                 

In the example, the spread in basis points has been calculated as (Fed Funds average price – Eurodollar price) *100

Eurodollar-Fed Funds spread
    Eurodollar-Fed Funds spread, source TradingView

What and why are we trading on this spread? Basically, we are betting that the spread between these 2 products will narrow or wide in the future. Having in mind that the eurodollar is based in 3-month commercial loans will be more volatile (for the duration and the credit risk) than the Fed Funds (1-month loan between banks insideUnited States)

We can use this spread to bet that the interest rate curve will change. Let’s say that if there was a high probability of an interest rate hike, I would position myself short Eurodollars and long Fed Funds.

Fed Funds Rate, source TradingEconomics
          Fed Funds Rate, source TradingEconomics

If you compare this chart with the previous one, you can see why you need to be right and always taking the direction of the market with the Eurodollar contracts.

Sum up

I hope you like this brief introduction. This spread will allow you to diversify the strategies. There are 2 main risks: taking the wrong side of the position and the execution risk. The second one is obvious because there are 2 different products on this strategy.  It´s easier to make a calendar spread because you can find them listed on the exchange. 
Have a good trading!!


I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions that shouldn't be used as a trading advice. Trading carries considerable risk due to the high leverage involved

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